Cruising and Cash, How To Plan and Maximize Your Money
It’s cruise time and you just can’t wait to go to the casino, get 30 Bahama Mama’s (hopefully not in a day) and order all types of food at any hour of the day.
So how do you decide how and how much cash to bring.
Jiffy Jeff is a South Florida and cruise vacation expert. Here are his must-knows when planning out pocket change packing so you don’t end up in a cash crunch:
1. Small Bills
Bring as much money as you would like, but make sure you bring change. Many folks will say they do not have any change for large bills and since you are on vacation, you may give in and spend more than you should.
Bring plenty of small bills, $10s, $5s, and $1s.
2. ATM’s Available
The casino’s ready for you! The problem is you may run out of cash. There are plenty of ATM machines available on board. But, much like any other non-bank ATM’s on land, its best to avoid this if possible because of the fees. As you pack, think about the non-inclusive meals, budget for that, and set yourself a limit to how much you will spend on the Blackjack table.
3. Contact Credit Card Companies
Contact your credit card companies ahead of time so they are aware of your travel plans and do not cancel your transactions. Having a frozen account from unusual charging activities would definitely put a drain on your vacation, especially when you’re in the middle of the ocean and in a foreign country.
Some other helpful suggestions to getting your money’s worth on the ship is to look for restaurant specials and get a food package, book spa treatments on the port days, and if you don’t finish a bottle of wine at dinner they will cork it for you and save it upon your request. Have fun!
About Jiffy Jeff Transportation™
Jiffy Jeff Transportation™ provides luxury shuttle transfer service from all South Florida Airports and surrounding hotels to Port Everglades (Ft Lauderdale), the Port of Miami and surrounding hotels. Our shuttle service covers all airports and cruiseports in South Florida. Our fleet consists of Mercedes Bez Sprinter Vans with plenty of head and leg room and ample storage. Busses and private vehicles are also available.
Jiffy Jeff has seen, heard, and experienced everything a South Florida visitor or cruising enthusiasts would want to know. Customer service is our absolute focus and the Jiffy Jeff Travel Blog is a collection of the tips and advice he often shares with his customers.